At the last MMTA Board meeting, we discussed the April 3rd tragedy involving State Police Detective Benjamin Campbell who was killed by a wheel that had come off a logging trailer. Despite the logging company not being an MMTA member, the Board wanted to find a way to support the Campbell family given our Association’s deep connection to the State Police, going all the way back to Dick Jones.
The form and delivery of our support is still taking shape – it might be a scholarship for the family’s 6-month old son, it might be to support a charitable fundraiser if one is developed in the future, or it might be to contribute to the gofundme effort that is currently underway. Whatever we do, however, we want to offer our members the ability to contribute to this effort which is why you are receiving this email.
We have set up this online form for you to pledge a financial contribution.
As discussed at the Board meeting, we are not looking to make this fundraising effort a promotional opportunity. Just the opposite. Contributor names will not be listed anywhere, we will not look to get press coverage when our support is delivered and we will not be spreading this far-and-wide in hopes of maximizing our image. We will simply collect the donations, deliver it in the best way possible at the right time and then let our members know the results at our Board meeting in October.
If you would like to contribute, please do. If you have a friend or associate who might want to donate, feel free to share a link to this page with them. Same rules apply – we are doing this because it is the right thing to do, not for the credit.
If you just want to send us a check without filling out this form, please make your check payable to:
Maine Motor Transport Association
Attn: Brian Parke
c/o Memorial Fund
PO Box 857
Augusta, ME 04332-0857
We believe these contributions will be deductible as a charitable contribution, but we encourage you to verify this with your financial advisor.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.