MMTA Mobile Safety Unit Donated to Maine Technical Schools

Randy DeVault (MMTA) and Vicki Kimball (SCTC)
Randy DeVault (MMTA) and Andrew Trowbridge (HCTC)

A steadfast fixture in MMTA’s safety resources has been our 1998 Volvo 770 road tractor towing our 1988 Fruehauf trailer, practically referred to as our Mobile Safety Unit (MSU). Originally the MSU was used as a self-contained mobile classroom and to educate the public on the importance of highway safety and “How to Share the Road with Trucks”. This unit has made countless appearances at Driver Education Classes, School Career Days, Civic Events, the Maine Statehouse, Convoy for Kids, Truckers Drive for Kids in New Hampshire, and of course at our Championship Saturday event each spring, used as a mobile command center for the MMTA Professional Truck Driving Championships.

Due to the age of the tractor and the trailer, the time has come to decommission the old girl for our purposes. But we are pleased to report that both components are going to good use. MMTA has donated the tractor to Hancock County Technical Center for their diesel technician students to learn their craft. And the trailer has been donated to the Somerset Career & Technical Center for their CDL program to use to train the next generation of professional drivers. Both donations were made on August 14th – see the pictures above. After decades of service to the Maine trucking industry, we are happy that the truck and the trailer will continue their service to developing our industry’s future workforce.

MMTA’s Executive Committee is now developing the plan for what comes next. We expect an announcement soon as it relates to an updated strategy (and investment) that pivots towards our industry’s workforce development efforts and the importance of the trucking industry’s image. Exciting things are happening so stay tuned!

MMTA’S MOBILE SAFETY UNIT: 1998 Volvo 770 Tractor 1988 Fruehauf Trailer